
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sinhala Gurukam & Manthara

               People in this country had explicit faith in the age-old practices particularly in the southern part of Lanka, relating to devil dance, sorcery, witchcraft, etc., which had its own mystique among the local population.
how beit, the advancing scientific acquaintance, declining interest in rituals among the new generation and reluctance on the part of its practitioners to bequeath what they have "treasured" with them upon their near or dear have led to its gradual eclipse.

Preservation of such practices as vestiges of a by-gone era would be of importance to the succeeding generations. Since the primitive man had made better use of occult sciences to ward off "evils" causing diseases and epidemics, one cannot totally dismiss them as mere superstition.
Rather their preservation in some form or other would help elucidate their potential. Young writer, Nandika Beddegama's "Matara & Haguranketha Paramparika Gurukam Ha Shanthikarma" is revealing to those interested in occult sciences, his book is a source of wealth.

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